School, College and University Trophies & Awards

Running a school or educational establishment successfully takes a lot of time, dedication, creativity, money and hard work. But most of all, the vital ingredient to a successful school is the happy, cooperative student. For the school to be the success you work hard towards it becoming, the happy student is a student who feels at ease, who feels wanted and most of all needed in the school. Recognising those student’s dedication and achievements is a sure way of forging that necessary bond between the student and the school, of making the student feel that the school is also family.
Appreciation is the fail-proof remedy towards achieving this all-important goal of proper student integration and cooperation, in other words, of creating that happy, cooperative student who feels at home in your school. There is no better way to achieving this than by publicly showing this appreciation and giving the students in question a meaningful, permanent reminder of the appreciation you have for their dedication to their work.

Awarding Medals and Trophies
Awards have been given to achievers and winners since times long forgotten, and this tradition continues today. Awarding medals and trophies is always a good idea because all achievers, be it in sports, business or academic, love to collect trophies or medals that recognise and celebrate their achievements.
A sports achiever’s home is filled with trophies and medals from every tournament he participated in. Medals or trophies celebrating his winning performances are displayed in a special place where they can readily be seen and admired by any visitor to his home.
Recognising these personal achievements is a must-do for any school or university, any club or and large company and awarding their achievers with appropriate medal or trophy is the accepted way of expressing the organisation’s recognition of not only the achievement, but the person behind the achievement.
This is why proper engraving is vital and adds to the personal value the sports person awards to his medals and trophies. Trophies or medals, nicely engraved with his name and the nature of his achievement or win are invariably displayed in an even more prominent place in his house

Buying Trophies and Medals Online
Getting customised trophies from a reputable, recognised online seller such as Trophies and Gifts is often a cheaper option than designing your awards from scratch. Surf the net and you will come across many different companies that offer all kinds of awards, trophies and medals. You will however be hard pushed to find anybody offering a larger, more versatile range of awards and gifts than Trophies and Gifts does.
Trophies and Gifts offer a great range of trophies online for a widely varying range of activities such as handball, hairdressing, fishing, gymnastics, gardening, fencing, golf and many more. 
Trophies and Gifts also offer an astonishing array of different shields and plaques for milestones that have been completed. And most importantly, for all your standard and special requirements Trophies and Gifts can offer free engraving to properly customise and personalise the chosen award.