The Importance of Trophies

Any sports person worthy of the name will tell you that the ultimate thrill of competing in a sports competition is the trophy. It doesn’t matter whether you are talking golf, badminton, soccer, martial arts or any other sport you can think of, the sense of achievement and the pride generated by receiving a trophy is the same. The trophy is the ultimate, lasting proof of success and achievement, the cream on the pudding and the ultimate reward for all the long hours of hard training and exercising.

Value Your Competition Winners
Winning a trophy is the ultimate reward for hours of hard work, dedication and perseverance. Because of this, the trophy itself must be chosen with extreme care. When picking sports trophies to hand out to your achievers, the “any old thing” approach is sure to backfire on you and it will create a lot of resentment instead of generating an atmosphere where higher achievement and dedication are continuously sought.

Reward Hard Work and Honour Achievements
The enormous impact that trophies and medals have on the confidence, motivation and inspiration of an individual is so high that the use is no longer exclusively limited to just national or international events and professional teams.
In today’s world, trophies and medals play such an important role that this is recognised by all kinds of organisations, from the parochial amateur teams to indeed the national professional teams.
Local communities, clubs and organisations regularly reward their members with special trophies and medals, from celebrating “Mom of the Month” to those who generate the highest amount of contributions to the local charity, and of course winners and runners-up in every possible sports event organised in their community.

Value Your Employees
Corporate awards are a very important part of business life, and many businesses these days issue monthly awards to are available from Trophies and Gifts and are essential if you are looking to commend your staff on their achievements.
Many businesses today reserve the traditional, personalised corporate award for valued special customers or special annual events within the business, while more and more businesses are looking to rewards their employees on a much more frequent basis.
It is not uncommon to have a monthly “employee of the month” award where the celebrated employees are presented with a special trophy or medal recognising their contribution to the business for that period.
Trophies and Gifts offer a vast range of different trophies and medals to suit the needs of any business seeking to award their employees’ achievements. Most of these trophies and medals are available online, and can be personalised using our free engraving offer.
All it takes is a phone call to our dedicated customer service department and our specialist people will help you pick the perfect trophy or medal for your occasion.
Knowing the importance of trophies and medals as an affordable and very effective way of rewarding sport or business achievements is vital to ensure the continued loyalty and engagement of your members.